Contributors: by Wisdom Amouzou, Gio Barabadze, Stephen Brackett, Gregg Deal, Asia Dorsey, Cory Feder, Anthony Garcia, Sr., Cory Minkah Montalvo, Bryánne E. Mitchell-Gonzales, Kai Lee Mykels, Shelsea Ochoa, Kim Shively, Dujie Tahat, and Motus Theater
Garcia, Sr., Anthony. “Crush.” In Art and Community, by Wisdom Amouzou, Gio Barabadze, Stephen Brackett, Gregg Deal, Asia Dorsey, Cory Feder, Anthony Garcia, Sr., Cory Minkah Montalvo, Bryánne E. Mitchell-Gonzales, Kai Lee Mykels, Shelsea Ochoa, Kim Shively, Dujie Tahat, and Motus Theater.
Denver: Tilt West, 2020.
Garcia, Sr., Anthony. “Crush.” Art and Community, by
Wisdom Amouzou, et al,
Tilt West, 2020. Accessed DD Mon. YYYY.